Como cada mes, aquí tienes una selección de las últimas tendencias en el ámbito digital: El manifiesto Cluetrain renovado, tendencias según la consultora Deloitte, previsiones del mercado y consejos para que mejores tu marca personal… Lee, inspírate, reflexiona, descubre nuevas ideas y aplícalas a tu día a día para mejorar tus resultados.
«It has been sixteen years since our previous communication. In that time the People of the Internet — you and me and all our friends of friends of friends, unto the last Kevin Bacon — have made the Internet an awesome place, filled with wonders and portents.
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«Deloitte predicts that in 2015 one billion wireless Internet of Things devices will be shippe, up 60 percent from 2014, and leading to an installed base of 2.8 billion devices.»
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«Los que llevamos conectados muchos años podemos tener la tendencia, por intereses o por aburrimiento, a afirmar que el proceso de digitalización ha madurado y que estamos en pleno proceso de transformación digital. La pregunta es, ¿en qué punto estamos?»
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«Los perfiles profesionales pertenecientes al ámbito digital y comercial concentrarán la demanda de profesionales este año por parte de las empresas, según Page Personnel, compañía de trabajo temporal especializado y selección de mandos intermedios y personal de apoyo cualificado.»
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«A mí me gusta siempre trabajar la marca personal de los profesionales comenzando desde la visión, ese concepto empresarial que enseñan en los manuales empresariales y que resulta un tanto difuso al inicio.»
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«The problem with the economy is economists. The problem with economists is technology
Pick up an economics book; any one will do, a heavy or easy read, and move to the index. See if you can find the words ‘Moore’s’ and ‘Law’. The book will be full of elegant theories, but when it comes to what really drives the economy – makes us rich or poor – it is sadly lacking.»
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The sharing economy has been widely hailed as a major growth sector, by sources ranging from Fortune magazine to President Obama. It has disrupted mature industries, such as hotels and automotives, by providing consumers with convenient and cost efficient access to resources without the financial, emotional, or social burdens of ownership. But the sharing economy isn’t really a “sharing” economy at all; it’s an access economy.»
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«You can’t count on Google.
No matter how great you are as an SEO, counting on Google to send you traffic is risky business. Also, feeling entitled to free traffic from a search engine monopoly is a bad business model.»
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«A truly successful YouTube video is part of a broader plan that builds consistent views for a YouTube channel. Viral videos are for kids coming back from the dentist – your YouTube channel needs a video marketing plan that lasts.»
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«Let’s revisit the raw “old school” copywriting roots of blogging/content marketing and discover the powerful principles used to make millions from the written word, and how they apply to writing popular posts today.»
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‘IDC Predicts CMOs Will Drive $32.3B In Marketing Technology Spending By 2018’:
Un abrazo!
¡Muchas gracias por tu recomendación, Marc! Lo apuntamos 🙂